This blog serves a purpose- to share my experiences, knowledge, travels, and personal views with my family, friends and also to rest of the world. Life has been a roller coaster of a ride so far, but the journey i have embarked on is certainly proving to be a great one. The article is no where near complete, therefore you are most welcomed to sail with me. Consider this my personal diary, opened to you. Enjoy the ride- of Life and its Beauty.

December 26, 2009

Where did all the fun go?!

Okay, today christmas just passed.

Managed to catch a movie with my immediate family here in dublin after MUCH MUCH delays from a few of the members! *cough evelyn cough* We watched Yes Man at 11pm... it was a nice movie night i must say. And i dont know whether this is a sign or something (i just read yuns blog on Sign From God kinda thing), Hers was body shop sale, mine is not shopping related... lol.

I just feel like i've lost the fun in life. All soo tied up, stressed out, up tight....  Came back from the movie, read a few blogs, which further was like a sign to me...  Then facebooked a little, and got more signs...

Then i spent some time alone reflecting. The only thing i've been doing is either college work or studying or thinking about studying. Yes, i did go to edinburgh for 3 days, but like, shouldnt fun be consistent?? not a great break and then great work again right?

Today was christmas, and what did i do? i just locked myself up whole day studying... Well, might not have been very productive, but all i did was study. How sad can i be? If not for melissa, i would have been just at home studying more. :( I turned down a Christmas party invite earlier in the week thinking that thats not what i need now, as a party will consume too much of my energy and i'll loose focus and the slow momentum i've gained studying. See! my thoughts were to that extent! This CAN NOT last! this sucks!

Some of my friends went for a movie today after the party, which come to think of it, i considered joining in, but the sole reason, studies made me not succumb to the temptation.

I've also realised i've not been able to spend quality time with my friends back at home, and also here in dublin itself.

And the only thing i can recall thinking off in the past few weeks/month is study and work. my edinburgh trip, manchester trip, london trip, all does NOT come into mind at all. I wonder why... Work overload? worries? maybe. Im anticipating more work, hence preparing to make full use of the time i have now studying...

There is sooo much i would have done if it was the older gan, i turned down soo many events and outings, technically- FUN! i turned down fun. Day and night work or study.

hmmm, and i also realised that my blog is more like a journal and diary. I suddenly seem soooo tight up, like the guy who follows the one straight line and is not willing to deviate even a bit off it - Geek. I cant blog with humor anymore, im so stressed out that its all serious journal like. No emotional additions and feelings to the posts... they're all like.... newspapers?

Where did all the fun go? And yun's christmas card (which was very sweet of her) contained the word president. A further sign? Has my election as president taken out all the fun?? Sucked it all out? Or is this just exam period?? or am i just sick of the work that needs to be done for the society? -that just keeps coming! And im constantly thinking on what work is there to anticipate to not falter in exams, see! more thoughts on work!

Where did all the fun go?!

...sigh, back to notes... :(

One Life, One Love, Enjoy Every Bit of it.

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