This blog serves a purpose- to share my experiences, knowledge, travels, and personal views with my family, friends and also to rest of the world. Life has been a roller coaster of a ride so far, but the journey i have embarked on is certainly proving to be a great one. The article is no where near complete, therefore you are most welcomed to sail with me. Consider this my personal diary, opened to you. Enjoy the ride- of Life and its Beauty.

October 31, 2008

Pictures... :)

Hi guys, I Just had my very first cardsigning. Glad to be over with it. :)

Thank You: Rachel, Ken, Jian Gang, Alyson, Yvvone. And good luck to you guys for next week.

Now, Pictures as i promised. Random ones No specific order.
more pictures to come as i get them. This are a few from 2 ppls cameras only (Alvin, and Rachel)

No thats NOT alcohol, see properly, its Olive Oil. Excessive studying. Note the Anatomy Text Book at the Top right of the picture.

During the Todd Stand Up comedy, with a few of us.

Hari Raya Open house at Malaysia Hall

Lunch when we went to make our GARDA (visa) card. And thats River Liffey, the river that flows in the heart of Dublin

The Todd from Scrubs (the crazy High 5 dude)

One of the nights after studying hard...Time 11.30Pm

Fencing. At Damers Hall (our colleges one too)

Yvvone's B'day Cheers. :)

October fest.

The Lot. at apartment A2, Mercer Complex.

More stories and posts to come. I had alot to blog about, but just didnt have time.
Now its time for me to get back to my books.
Btw, all this pictures are quite old. Now, we are all stuck to our books more than we were back then. Btw, Happy Deepavali to all. Cheers!

Anatomy all done, now moving on to the rest of the subjects... lets do this!

1 comment:

  1. don't bother about what ppl think or put a judgement on u. stick with ur close friends, ppl whom u can trust and keep up ur hard studying streak. have faith in urself and good luck!

