This blog serves a purpose- to share my experiences, knowledge, travels, and personal views with my family, friends and also to rest of the world. Life has been a roller coaster of a ride so far, but the journey i have embarked on is certainly proving to be a great one. The article is no where near complete, therefore you are most welcomed to sail with me. Consider this my personal diary, opened to you. Enjoy the ride- of Life and its Beauty.

May 23, 2009

One Month and Two Days to go

Okay guys, exams starting In 2 days, and i doubt anyone from outside this country would be hearing from me for the next two weeks atleast. Apologies in advance... BUT the good part, i will be back in exactly one month and 2 days. Im all yours then... for now, as sadly id like to say this, its the 4 walls and the 160 lectures.... sigh. gonna miss you all as i drown in notes for the final time for this semester...

To all those having exams now, All the best, to those whom have finished, have a great break!
Take care and see ya'll soon!

Exam starts on Monday the 25th of May and end on the 5th of June with, 7 days of exams within that two weeks and 5 subjects im being marked for. Wish me luck guys!

One Life, One Love, Enjoy Every Bit of it- Under exam pressure, too.

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