This blog serves a purpose- to share my experiences, knowledge, travels, and personal views with my family, friends and also to rest of the world. Life has been a roller coaster of a ride so far, but the journey i have embarked on is certainly proving to be a great one. The article is no where near complete, therefore you are most welcomed to sail with me. Consider this my personal diary, opened to you. Enjoy the ride- of Life and its Beauty.

August 29, 2008


Correction on the previous Post -
Pre Departure Orientation; Med School
Okay, i failed to mention one thing at The Begining of the post after my Medicine-my life intro.
Yes i Already knew that i was offered the scholarship way before this Pre Dept Orientation.
I failed to mention it in the first paragraph. As this lead to some ppl being confused when i started talking about me being nervous to go up stage part.
Sorry yeah! cheers! ;)
I have already done the necessary additions in the previous post which i am referring to here.

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